Masters of camouflage- Mottled wood owl chick

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Truly an engaging image! Did you get a tight shot of the owl chick with just the surrounding bark? That would be lovely also.
Thanks Karen! would’ve loved to get closer but this was on top of a tree so getting any closer changed the angle to shooting upward. I actually backed off and added a TC to get an almost eye level perception. If you look closer, just to the right of the chick, you can see mamma owl’s feathers.
Thanks Karen! would’ve loved to get closer but this was on top of a tree so getting any closer changed the angle to shooting upward. I actually backed off and added a TC to get an almost eye level perception. If you look closer, just to the right of the chick, you can see mamma owl’s feathers.
You did very well! A pity you didn't have the 600mm and a TC. LOL! However, the image quality and composition you achieved is really excellent!