Metering /exposure problems

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I haven't given feedback these past few days as I have been waiting for a response from Nikon. When picking up my new Z6iii I discovered that the launch had been planned for that same evening and the Nikon crew (based in Johannesburg) were all in town (CapeTown) for the launch. I had already been referred to one of them as the expert who had helped many a customer through Z9 issues especially. Although he was then too busy to help on the spot he has subsequently called me, asking me to simplify my 'complex settings' and keep things simple (I mean he was talking really simple - like shoot and adjust your settings as you go as needed). I then informed him of my opinion that in that case I may as well throw the Z9 away, after all what is the point of having one when you can have customised buttons to be able to react instantly to a wildlife situation and then be told to use it like a first time camera 101. I had already told him I had the camera set up very similar to how Steve recommends in his set-up guide. So I re-iterated that I am a wildlife photographer predominantly - fast reaction needed for movement and especially BIF so eventually I think he began to get the picture. Pardon the pun..The long and short of it is that Nikon apparently set the EVF brightness to AUTO by default and it is 2 stops different from the LCD brightness at the default settings. AUTO sets it (EVF) to 0 so he advised me to set it to +2 on manual and then the brightness would match that of the LCD screen. Then what I see through the EVF will be what I get on the computer monitor as well. I have yet to try this out as the weather has been dark and rainy. Any comments appreciated. Meantime I'll try out as soon as possible.

When I had this happen on my Fuji XH-2s is was because I was shooting with a custom set of settings using auto ISO #1 of the 3 different auto ISO sets I can have. When the camera was switched off or went to sleep, when turned on again it reverted to auto ISO 1!

The other time it happened was when using auto ISO 2 again, the highest ISO was not high enough for the situation and I don't chimp or see the image in the VF.