Mom Feeding Baby Hummingbirds

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Here is a wonderful moment of a momma Anna's Hummingbird feeding her two VERY young chicks. Note, image was taken with a 800mm lens and cropped quite a bit, and I did not linger for long in the area.
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Nice picture. Great camoflage of the nest by the hummer.

The hummer population has been devastated where I live with the constant rains this past winter and as of today their numbers are still down by 95%.
Nice. Two years ago one built a nest in a tree right outside my home office window. I photographed it a couple times but sadly it abandoned the nest and never hatched chicks.
Nice picture. Great camoflage of the nest by the hummer.

The hummer population has been devastated where I live with the constant rains this past winter and as of today their numbers are still down by 95%.
The nest camouflage and location are really good. I always had a hard time finding it (and failed to do so a couple of times) when I wanted to stop by and check the nest.

Down by 95%? Wow, that is stunning...