Mona monkey

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Really like the eyes - they really draw you in.

I'm not saying I could do better, but two things slightly bug me:
1) The green tint reflecting back from all the leaves onto it's white fur.
2) The crop on the left side of the frame - my brain really wants to see the hand/foot on that side. The missing appendages on the bottom of the frame don't bother me as much as the left side. I'd really like to see a bit of room on the left. Maybe once I saw the room on the left I'd want room on the bottom, but I'm not sure.

Overall though, I do like the image.
Great image. I like the sharp focus, the creamy smooth lighting and exposure, eye contact - perfect.
I agree with Dupcak in allowing more room on the left. I don't know if that's possible, but it will improve the image if you can do that.
Great image. I like the sharp focus, the creamy smooth lighting and exposure, eye contact - perfect.
I agree with Dupcak in allowing more room on the left. I don't know if that's possible, but it will improve the image if you can do that.
Sadly not, in a rushed effort to get a shot of her before she jumped again this was all I got.Thanks for the feedback.