Mormon Cricket Laying Eggs

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We don't see these much until late summer into autumn when they suddenly appear on trails and gravel roads as the females drill into the dirt to lay next year's eggs. I see them all the time on hikes and when out riding bikes on dirt trails but generally don't have macro gear handy. They really jump out as they're much bigger than the Grasshoppers and other bugs and look pretty imposing at first glance.

They tend to move back into the sage brush and shrubs when clouds roll by or the sun dips over the horizon so I headed out this afternoon while the sun was still high in the sky and drove slowly along a gravel back road until I found this gal hard at work.

One in the harsh afternoon sun when these Crickets (actually a Shieldbacked Katydid) are most active:
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Another shot moving around and using my shadow to soften the afternoon light:
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And one as she moved a bit and raised her ovipositor to drill another hole and lay another egg:
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