Movo Gimbal

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I am 82.

I only use a tripod in a blind and the Movo is OK but it gets little use.

My experience is that if you have a problem using a monopod and a monogimble standing up and think you need a tripod then your problem is your personal balance. You are using your eyes for balance and when you look through a viewfinder it defeats the eyes effectiveness. Question, do you need to brace yourself when shooting hand-held standing up? If so that is likely your problem and will only get worse.

My solution was a walkstool. Sitting down I had no problem shooting my d-500/500pf with a monogimble/monopod. Ultimately, however, I transitioned to an OM Systems OM-1/100-400 and I now shoot hand-held while sitting.

Your mileage may vary.
