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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Shoot first, ask questions later.​

Genetically-modified Rose-ringed Parakeet
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Genetically-modified Rose-ringed Parakeet : Psittacula krameri
South East Queensland, Australia
camera—subject 12m // subject—background 15m

Sometimes I'm easily fooled: like yesterday afternoon when a pale blue parrot flitted through my peripheral vision.

Could it be a pale-headed rosella? My sighting had been for only a second—two at most—and rosellas certainly inhabited the sclerophyll scrubland that I was in. Better track it down!

Ten minutes later I found the bird atop the three-metre flower stalk of a grasstree (Xanthorrhoea australis). It certainly wasn't a rosella; nor was it like any of the almost sixty parrot species on this continent.

Merlin Bird ID app drew a blank, as did the two Australian field guides on my iPhone.

That night I showed the photo to our son, Ben. 'Mattie knows all about birds', he assured me. (The caged sort.) A few minutes of text-messaging later I had the answer: Indian Ringneck (Rose-ringed Parakeet).

I had captured an escaped prisoner.
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