My “Dumb Thumb” Moment..😒

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Larry S.

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I was excited to get my NIKON Z600PF yesterday and have a go at the hoodies. Everything seemed to be going great! That was until I dumped the card in the computer…😒 All my images were fuzzy. Either focus was off or too much subjuct movement for the 1/1600 sec I had selected…🤔hmmmm. The exposure data told the story… I had (somehow) dropped the shutter down to 1/200 sec from 1/1600. How did that happen? I was so absorbed with the ducks in the EVF I didn’t look at the displayed data…. I revisited my shooting technique and realized I occasionally drag my thumb across the rear command dial…. Duh…. 🤓”DUMB THUMB”! I simply got distracted when I moved my thumb across to focus…. The soft “hoodies” are shown below…
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Unfortunate, to say the least. I dislike the Nikon rear thumbwheels and they are almost impossible to work while wearing glove liners on a Z8/Z9.
Good point, this has happened to me a couple times before. I really need to be more aware of this and look at the exposure info in the EVF….
Unfortunate, to say the least. I dislike the Nikon rear thumbwheels and they are almost impossible to work while wearing glove liners on a Z8/Z9.
Is that perhaps a problem w/ the material of the glove liners? I was shooting with some chunky fleece gloves the other day and was actually quite pleased with how well I could control the camera, not as well as with a naked hand but perfectly manageable for cold weather.
Is that perhaps a problem w/ the material of the glove liners? I was shooting with some chunky fleece gloves the other day and was actually quite pleased with how well I could control the camera, not as well as with a naked hand but perfectly manageable for cold weather.
My winter weather approach is to use glove liners +- warmers + outer gloves and then I pull the outer glove off the right hand for shooting. It simply doesn't work with this camera, so I will have to adjust...
I was excited to get my NIKON Z600PF yesterday and have a go at the hoodies. Everything seemed to be going great! That was until I dumped the card in the computer…😒 All my images were fuzzy. Either focus was off or too much subjuct movement for the 1/1600 sec I had selected…🤔hmmmm. The exposure data told the story… I had (somehow) dropped the shutter down to 1/200 sec from 1/1600. How did that happen? I was so absorbed with the ducks in the EVF I didn’t look at the displayed data…. I revisited my shooting technique and realized I occasionally drag my thumb across the rear command dial…. Duh…. 🤓”DUMB THUMB”! I simply got distracted when I moved my thumb across to focus…. The soft “hoodies” are shown below…
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And whist many flame others for “chimping”, this exactly the sort of thing it helps prevent. An initial, and then periodic check, of images is any easy check that VR isn’t accidently off, or exposure compensation dial moved or the shutter / aperture wrongly selected.
And whist many flame others for “chimping”, this exactly the sort of thing it helps prevent. An initial, and then periodic check, of images is any easy check that VR isn’t accidently off, or exposure compensation dial moved or the shutter / aperture wrongly selected.
Whilst I appreciate and embrace your wise counsel, frenetic duck activity precludes normal ingrained practices…🤣 Jocular jousting aside… Absolutely correct! A “peek-see” would have minimized the miscue… Thanks!
Whilst I appreciate and embrace your wise counsel, frenetic duck activity precludes normal ingrained practices…🤣 Jocular jousting aside… Absolutely correct! A “peek-see” would have minimized the miscue… Thanks!
Yes, I reckon we’ve all done it to some extent.having controls close to hand can be both blessing and curse.
I had a similar problem with the control ring on some of the lenses. I set to ISO initially. Then I found some images way over or under exposed. Seems it’s too easy to brush against and change settings. The only one not set to nothing is the z24-120/4 which is a tad stiffer. My bad habits haunting me 😂😂😂
I had a similar problem with the control ring on some of the lenses. I set to ISO initially. Then I found some images way over or under exposed. Seems it’s too easy to brush against and change settings. The only one not set to nothing is the z24-120/4 which is a tad stiffer. My bad habits haunting me 😂😂😂
Patrick, I can see that easily happening with the control ring…. Actually more so than the command dial next to BBF. I’ve programmed my control ring for exposure compensation because it meets my needs more than other available functions….
I had a similar problem with the control ring on some of the lenses. I set to ISO initially. Then I found some images way over or under exposed. Seems it’s too easy to brush against and change settings. The only one not set to nothing is the z24-120/4 which is a tad stiffer. My bad habits haunting me 😂😂😂
I ended up putting the lens foot back on my 100-400 to stop accidentally twirling the control ring (also set to exposure compensation). It’s a regular PITA… when it OUGHT to be helpful! 🙄
I shoot full manual so this is never an issue for me, not sure I've ever accidentally turned the dial. Mine is stiff enough that if be hard pressed not to notice it. If so the exposure would change in the EVF. This would only be an issue for people shooting Auto ISO since the camera would adjust the ISO to keep the exposure the same.

The control ring in the other hand can be easy to bump but the same is true... If shooting full manual, you see the exposure of off compared to shooting Auto ISO.
I was excited to get my NIKON Z600PF yesterday and have a go at the hoodies. Everything seemed to be going great! That was until I dumped the card in the computer…😒 All my images were fuzzy. Either focus was off or too much subjuct movement for the 1/1600 sec I had selected…🤔hmmmm. The exposure data told the story… I had (somehow) dropped the shutter down to 1/200 sec from 1/1600. How did that happen? I was so absorbed with the ducks in the EVF I didn’t look at the displayed data…. I revisited my shooting technique and realized I occasionally drag my thumb across the rear command dial…. Duh…. 🤓”DUMB THUMB”! I simply got distracted when I moved my thumb across to focus…. The soft “hoodies” are shown below…
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I’ve done the same thing many times but fortunately I pull the dial to increase shutter speed. So at worst for me was an undrexposure. 😬
I shoot full manual so this is never an issue for me, not sure I've ever accidentally turned the dial. Mine is stiff enough that if be hard pressed not to notice it. If so the exposure would change in the EVF. This would only be an issue for people shooting Auto ISO since the camera would adjust the ISO to keep the exposure the same.

The control ring in the other hand can be easy to bump but the same is true... If shooting full manual, you see the exposure of off compared to shooting Auto ISO.
🙄yup, guilty as charged…shooting manual mode w/auto ISO.
Hmmmm…I would think any change to exposure compensation would show up through the EVF when you rotate the control ring. I have the C/Rs on my 400 and 600 assigned to exposure compensation also. When I move them clockwise or counter clockwise the changes are there to see… However, if no exposure changes are needed the lens foot could be the cure for accidentally moving the ring when trying to support the lens….
I'm not familiar with the Z9 but would it be possible to swap functionality for the dials making the rear dial aperture and the front dial shutter speed? I am not shooting the Z system but this is how I have my camera set up.

I've so many times hit the wrong button though I can empathize with you for sure.

[edited to correct typo]
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My dumb thumb issue is that I keep hitting the rear screen with a finger. Each time I do that it snaps a photo. I thought I had changed the setting in the menu to stop that but it is doing it again. I guess I have to do some menu surfing.
My dumb thumb issue is that I keep hitting the rear screen with a finger. Each time I do that it snaps a photo. I thought I had changed the setting in the menu to stop that but it is doing it again. I guess I have to do some menu surfing.
Great! That gives me another issue to look forward to….😅