My backyard hummers

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I have 2-3 pairs of hummers frequenting my feeder, and they are so possessive! Always one male on watch, chasing the others away when they approach.

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Beautiful set RassieπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Thanks, Ralph. :)
Great shots Koos. I haven't had a single female yet this year, only a couple of males.
Thanks, Rick. I haven't seen all of them together at the same time, but I have seen a female in the mix. Could be three males and a female, or perhaps two couples. I saw three of them at the same time running around and chasing one another yesterday.
Great shots, Rassie. Mind sharing how far (focal distance) from the Hum you were shooting? Thanks
Thanks. The one in flight was closest, at the feeder. That's 17 feet from where I was sitting on a lawn chair. The others somewhere between 17' and 20'.
Very, very nice Rassie must be fabulous to have them as garden birds. Love them all but there is something about the first portrait image that is a wee bit special for me. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Thanks, Gordon. Yeah, the first pose suggests that the bird is curious about me, almost as if it's thinking "who the heck are you?".
We only have this one species of hummer here in Ontario (Ruby-throat) and I find it challenging to get an image where the light hits the gorget just right so as to make that beautiful ruby-red throat come alive.

More often than not it looks like this:


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