My Neighbor the Falconer

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Bob L

Active member
Supporting Member
A neighbor and good friend, actually a guy who saved my life after a motorcycle accident, is a licensed falconer. A week ago, he captured his newest project, a juvenile Red Tail Hawk. I took these photos hours after he captured this hawk. It was already feeding from hand, was being trained on commands, and as you can see, was allowing my friend to rub his chest and talons. Really cool. I’ll be taking along on training, can’t wait. He has quite a setup for the hawk, and the bird becomes a part of his family. Very cool


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What an opportunity. That will be an interesting process to follow along. While out shooting once I ran into a falconer. His bird was on a perch on the front seat of his truck. Even just talking to him about it was fascinating.
It’s awesome talking with him about this. He is intimately involved in a local county zoo, and has vast experience with the animal world. Very bright, driven guy. I can feel the passion he has for these birds when I’m with him. I look forward to working with him on the training.