My Z8 cant take more than 1 photo at a time

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Hi, I can't think of anything obvious, but what is your shutter speed set to. ?
If it set to a very low speed e.g. 2s it could feel like you are only taking a single shot.
Is it set to Single frame instead of Continuous low or Continuous high speed? (page 133 of manual). Is it set to Release instead of Focus in the Af-C priority selection? If set to focus, will only shoot if image in focus so I have Release. A1 in Custom Settings.
Is it set to Single frame instead of Continuous low or Continuous high speed? (page 133 of manual). Is it set to Release instead of Focus in the Af-C priority selection? If set to focus, will only shoot if image in focus so I have Release. A1 in Custom Settings.
The manual that came with it has 70 pages? Which manual are you referring too? I think this might be it.

I have it set to Release
No I use the DX lenses all the time. Could it be that you have it set on a timer? Try to turn the knob on top to a different setting and see if the camera changes and then move it back to the multiple setting? Maybe that switch is broken?
The on/off knob? I've turned that one a couple of times to the last setting, not sure what it does. I don't think it's a timer because it shoots immediately.
Assuming you have it set on continuous high? Button at the 9:00 position on the top left- set to H by spinning the back right wheel. Also, are you using a CF Express card or an SD? The type of card can impact the speed. Some SD’s just can’t keep up with the camera.
The manual that came with it has 70 pages? Which manual are you referring too? I think this might be it.

I have it set to Release
I suspect he's referring to the Z8 Reference Guide which is over 900 pages, goes into a lot more depth and is available here:

Not sure what's happening but a few things jump to mind:

- There's one setting in the menus for defining high and low frame rates (menu item a1 Continuous Shooting Speed) and a different setting via the frame rate selector up on the top left of the camera with the icon with several stacked rectangles that selects Single Shot, Continuous Low, Continuous High, etc. Is it possible you set up your CL and CH frame rates in the menu but have Single Shot selected via that button on the top left?

- There's also a maximum burst setting, menu item a2 that defaults to infinity but if that somehow got set to 1 shot then you'd only get bursts of one shot each.

- Is it possible your self timer is selected which can also be selected via that frame rate button on the upper left (the stacked rectangles) and the rear command wheel?

There are probably other settings that can result in a single shot (exposure delay mode???) but those are a few that come to mind.
Thanks everyone, I figured it out. I had to change my settings using the knob at the top left part of the camera. Really appreciate it! Going from 5 FPS to 20 FPS is amazing!
So which setting did you have to change?