Nesting Terns- No drama but a first time sighting for me

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I see a lot of terns fishing when I kayak on Miller Creek. Today I cam across a nesting pair of terns near the shore while paddling by.

This was the first time I've seen nesting terns. The female told me to get lost but the male seemed to just take it in stride.

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Definite advantages to using a kayak to photograph without disturbing wildlife. The 600mm PF is a great lens for shooting from a small boat and can replace the f-mount 500mm PF lens I used a great deal on the water.
Your terns are far more friendly than the last pair I encountered (last spring); I got dive bombed and hit in the head FIVE times by the same bird and I wasn't even stopped tyring to photograph them LOL Nice from the boat perspective on these shots!
Your terns are far more friendly than the last pair I encountered (last spring); I got dive bombed and hit in the head FIVE times by the same bird and I wasn't even stopped tyring to photograph them LOL Nice from the boat perspective on these shots!
Yes - dive bombed. I have been dive bombed in my kayak but the tall grass has always hidden the nests.