New Features

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I appreciate you are trying to keep the home page clean with only a few categories. I would like to suggest one new thread category and see what people think. I would find it helpful to have a new one for TRIP REPORTS. These often do not fit cleanly in Landscape OR Wildlife because they contain both, as well as potentially relevant non-nature stuff like a photo of the lodging. Thoughts?
I appreciate you are trying to keep the home page clean with only a few categories. I would like to suggest one new thread category and see what people think. I would find it helpful to have a new one for TRIP REPORTS. These often do not fit cleanly in Landscape OR Wildlife because they contain both, as well as potentially relevant non-nature stuff like a photo of the lodging. Thoughts?
Thanks - I've been thinking of a Destinations forum that would serve that purpose :) Trying to decide if it'll be just a normal forum or if it needs some extras.