New Sony a1 firmware update V 1.32

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I can certainly confirm now that the startup times have regressed back to what they used to very variable...sometimes instant, sometimes delayed a second or so. I think it is just the fresh FW flash that improves them in the beginning but whatever makes them so variable comes back shortly after. This morning I turned on the camera and I got the second or so delay.
Today I took out both a1’s one has the new firmware and one is the last version. We shot with the 400GM, 600GM and the 200-600. Subjects were mainly scissor tail fly catchers among tall wild flowers. This is one of the most challenging situations for any cameras AF as the birds are fast, random flyers chasing flying bugs and diving in and out of dense wild flowers. For the af to stay locked in and not get confused is pretty difficult. The a1 isn’t perfect but out of over 3k images between both cameras only about 18 frames lost focus. To say I’m happy and impressed is an understatement.

As for is the AF any better? I honestly think it’s the same but that’s not implying the old firmware the AF wasn’t good. Both cameras with all 3 lenses nailed shots over and over again in super difficult situations.

I’ll be updating the second camera as there is no obvious reason to me to not do it.

The a1 is an outstanding action camera.
Here are some examples of the environment I tried out the new firmware. All of these are with the new firmware. I am not sure I have been in an environment that is more taxing on an AF system than this. The amount of times the bird is obscured by flowers and plants that are over 6' tall in places and diving in and out of flowers waist deep to grab a bug and while being unpredictable will wear you out. I honesty would hate doing this with an older DSLR. Bring on the technology!
I noted that the Sony AR7V has RAW Large, Medium and Small -- 61mp, 26mp and smaller - achieved by downsampling not just pixel or line dropping - this is something I wish other manufacturers would add -- are you listening Nikon Z8/Z9 -- we do not alway want to shoot full res RAW all the time but do want Full-frame AND in Lossless RAW
I noted that the Sony AR7V has RAW Large, Medium and Small -- 61mp, 26mp and smaller - achieved by downsampling not just pixel or line dropping - this is something I wish other manufacturers would add -- are you listening Nikon Z8/Z9 -- we do not alway want to shoot full res RAW all the time but do want Full-frame AND in Lossless RAW
Come on over to the dark side :) but when you do would you bring pre capture in RAW with you. Nikon needs to get that done as well and not limit it to jpeg.
Come on over to the dark side :) but when you do would you bring pre capture in RAW with you. Nikon needs to get that done as well and not limit it to jpeg.

I have no issues with any brand -- just with brand bashing - and "reviews" by idiots.

Competitions is great AND our biggest enemy is not other MICL brands it is cellphone users who force their drivers to go right next to a lion or leopard so they can take a selfie of something !!!!!! ARGH!!!!

Competition is also great to help "encourage" each of our brand to DO BETTER - now we have 2 almost identical cameras Nikon is doubly encourage to drive these forward. With lots of potential areas for improvement.

ps I dont take shots of tiny subject in the frame....... ha ha

I tested it today on fast flying shorebirds, diving terns & pelicans and other opportunities. It's awesome. My A1 has never been better. I thought the A1 was fantastic right out of the box, didn't really see any problem with 1.30 or 1.31 and now find it better than it's ever been since installing 1.32. I can't really quantify it but all I know is it finds the subject, locks on, stays locked on and delivers sharp images as long as there's no "operator error". Again, I'm not one of those who saw much difference with 1.31 but if you did I expect you'll be happy with 1.32. FWIW, here are a few recent images of fast flying shorebirds taken on 1.31. View attachment 61011View attachment 61012View attachment 61013View attachment 61014View attachment 61010
These are beautiful Brian! I just updated my firmware today and will give it a go this weekend. I was having a lot of issues yesterday with hit and miss focus while tracking some herons and harriers. I have the same set up as you A1 + 600 F4. I was using C-AF. I'm wondering if one of the issues is that I'm using the shutter button to focus and take photos. I'm thinking of trying the back button AF, but it is difficult to switch to after using the front shutter button for 25+ years. Just wondering if you use back button AF? Any suggestions with settings would be great as well.
These are beautiful Brian! I just updated my firmware today and will give it a go this weekend. I was having a lot of issues yesterday with hit and miss focus while tracking some herons and harriers. I have the same set up as you A1 + 600 F4. I was using C-AF. I'm wondering if one of the issues is that I'm using the shutter button to focus and take photos. I'm thinking of trying the back button AF, but it is difficult to switch to after using the front shutter button for 25+ years. Just wondering if you use back button AF? Any suggestions with settings would be great as well.
No BBAF for me....................tried it a loooooong time ago and hated it. Shutter button AF on the A1 works great for me. And thanks for the kind words................