NIKKOR Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR Sharpness Variability

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I used Z8 with this lens and it is very sharp, even at 600mm. If that is your only concern I would say go for it and don't worry. The only reason I sold mine is weight became a bit much after walking around with it for a while, so I bought the lighter 600PF from someone on this site. If you are used to the Canon 100-500, please note this will be bigger and heavier.
As an introduction, I am looking to buy either a used or new version of the 180-600, to be used with my Z8 for wildlife photography, predominantly for birds and birds in flight. I used to use Nikon for my kids sports for years, but moved to Canon a few years ago when we started to shoot more wildlife, but we are still very much in the learning stage. We are coming from a Canon R6 with the 100-500 which we have enjoyed, but I ultimately decided to switch back to Nikon as I think that the telephoto lens options at reasonable price points are wider than Canon. I ultimately would like to end up with the 180-600 plus the 800mm F6.3, but the bigger lens has to wait on funds!

I am looking for some advice on a variability of the sharpness and quality of the 180-600. I have read a decent amount about the sharpness not being consistent across copies and of people having to return multiple lenses until they found a sharp one. Could anyone offer any direction on whether this is a real problem or not. If it is more myth than reality, I could opt for a used lens and usefully save some $$ to put towards the 800mm, but if it is a real problem, I would be better off buying new and having the option to exchange the lens for another copy.

Thanks in advance for any help.
The Nikon 180-600 is great value.
I would have preferred a fixed aperture but everything is a compromise.
Under 525mm the lens outperforms most more expensive lenses ... 🦘