Nikon 500 PF and VR

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I always keep VR ON on Sports mode, regardless of Speed, and even when mounted on a Monopod.
I find Sports easier to work with. You define where it is, which can't be said for Normal mode since sometimes it fights your motion / decides for you.
Only except to the rule is when it is on a Tripod / or when I do Fine Tuning that's when I turn it OFF.

I agree that sometimes turning it OFF at high speeds has a slight advantage.. but I rather avoid the hassle of switching ON and OFF and just shoot 2 more frames and get the best pick.

Thank you for your reply, Noted, kindest regards
Just picked up a used 500mm PF to replace my 200-500mm when I don't need the flexibility of a zoom. I am noticing switching the VR settings produces no change in the viewfinder where I see a noticeable difference with my 200-500mm.

I tested it on a D3 and the VR is activated when I use BBF and half press the shutter. When I try this with my z7. the shutter doesn't activate the VR.
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