Nikon 600mm F/6.3 PF Lens L- Fn Button

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Paul T

Well-known member
Supporting Member
I have just received my new Nikon 600mm PF and starting to assign Custom Controls for its various Buttons/Rings.

For those members who own this lens what function have you assigned to the L-Fn button of the lens?

I haven’t used the lens enough yet but ergonomically the placement of the L- Fn button seems a little difficult for me to reach.

All ideas greatly appreciated.
I use it for switching to DX mode and I only use that when it might help with subject detection.
For the L-FN2 button I usually use that with an AF mode. Yesterday I actually used it with pinpoint, but I might use it with one of the other AF modes like dynamic or even 3D. I generally use it with AF-On.

You can see my images from Hassayampa River in another thread.
Like you I find the placement to be awkward. Consequently it's not very useful to me personally. I have it assigned to memory set(i.e. focus distance) like the button on the other side of the barrel. I use the L-fn2 buttons for memory recall. That's a very useful feature that I really under utilize. Particularly for shooting BIF it can be really handy if properly utilized.
I have just received my new Nikon 600mm PF and starting to assign Custom Controls for its various Buttons/Rings.

For those members who own this lens what function have you assigned to the L-Fn button of the lens?

I haven’t used the lens enough yet but ergonomically the placement of the L- Fn button seems a little difficult for me to reach.

All ideas greatly appreciated.
Congratulations !!

On my camera the L-fn is assigned to recall focus - to be used with M-Set where I set the focus point.

The L-fn2 button is assigned to switch instantly to BIF settings by - Recall shooting function (without the hold) . It has a submenu which I have set up for :
Frame Rate (Release mode) - 20 FPS
Shutter Speed 1/2000
Aperture - lowest possible - in this case 6.3
ISO - auto
Metering - Centre weighted
Focus Mode - Auto Area
Subject detection - Bird

This is my normal setting when I am not shooting birds in flight
ISO fixed
Matrix Metering
Focus mode - Wide Area C1
Subject detection - Bird

If i press the L-fn2 button it switches to BIF mode. Release the button and it is back to regular perched birds mode.
In addition, if in case I want to stay on BIF settings for a while - without having to keep the button pressed - I have the same settings assigned to my DISP button. That would be a click on - click off operation

I find the ability to switch instantly between BIF and perched bird mode is one of the most useful things in modern cameras and I aim to exploit that fully.
Enjoy the new lens.
I have reversed the focus and control rings and then reassigned the L-Fn button to zoom. This arrangement optimises manual focus accuracy and ergonomics when required.
Congratulations !!

On my camera the L-fn is assigned to recall focus - to be used with M-Set where I set the focus point.

The L-fn2 button is assigned to switch instantly to BIF settings by - Recall shooting function (without the hold) . It has a submenu which I have set up for :
Frame Rate (Release mode) - 20 FPS
Shutter Speed 1/2000
Aperture - lowest possible - in this case 6.3
ISO - auto
Metering - Centre weighted
Focus Mode - Auto Area
Subject detection - Bird

This is my normal setting when I am not shooting birds in flight
ISO fixed
Matrix Metering
Focus mode - Wide Area C1
Subject detection - Bird

If i press the L-fn2 button it switches to BIF mode. Release the button and it is back to regular perched birds mode.
In addition, if in case I want to stay on BIF settings for a while - without having to keep the button pressed - I have the same settings assigned to my DISP button. That would be a click on - click off operation

I find the ability to switch instantly between BIF and perched bird mode is one of the most useful things in modern cameras and I aim to exploit that fully.
Enjoy the new lens.
I like this idea. Will have to play around with it.
Congratulations !!

On my camera the L-fn is assigned to recall focus - to be used with M-Set where I set the focus point.

The L-fn2 button is assigned to switch instantly to BIF settings by - Recall shooting function (without the hold) . It has a submenu which I have set up for :
Frame Rate (Release mode) - 20 FPS
Shutter Speed 1/2000
Aperture - lowest possible - in this case 6.3
ISO - auto
Metering - Centre weighted
Focus Mode - Auto Area
Subject detection - Bird

This is my normal setting when I am not shooting birds in flight
ISO fixed
Matrix Metering
Focus mode - Wide Area C1
Subject detection - Bird

If i press the L-fn2 button it switches to BIF mode. Release the button and it is back to regular perched birds mode.
In addition, if in case I want to stay on BIF settings for a while - without having to keep the button pressed - I have the same settings assigned to my DISP button. That would be a click on - click off operation

I find the ability to switch instantly between BIF and perched bird mode is one of the most useful things in modern cameras and I aim to exploit that fully.
Enjoy the new lens.
Hi Krish thanks for your in-depth reply much appreciated. Could I ask what M-Set is and if and how it applies to the z 600 PF. I have tried a search of various Z Lens related documentation and cannot find it mentioned in them. Cheers Paul T.
Hi Krish thanks for your in-depth reply much appreciated. Could I ask what M-Set is and if and how it applies to the z 600 PF. I have tried a search of various Z Lens related documentation and cannot find it mentioned in them. Cheers Paul T.

The M-Set button is located on the barrel of the lens, on the right when mounted on the camera. M-Set is short for "memory set" It is a function that allows the user to save a focused position and return to it later. A long press of the M-set button saves the position and you can change focus to something else. When what you are interested in turns up at your preset focus point (set via the M-set button) you press a button assigned (L-fn in my case) to recall that focus point and the camera & lens re-focus back there or at that exact distance.
The M-Set button is located on the barrel of the lens, on the right when mounted on the camera. M-Set is short for "memory set" It is a function that allows the user to save a focused position and return to it later. A long press of the M-set button saves the position and you can change focus to something else. When what you are interested in turns up at your preset focus point (set via the M-set button) you press a button assigned (L-fn in my case) to recall that focus point and the camera & lens re-focus back there or at that exact distance.
Thanks again Krish. Just shows I need to look more closely at the lens itself. 😫😂
I have this lens, but I do not have any lens function buttons assigned currently. I find the button location somewhat awkward.
Hi Doug,
Yeah, the buttons and wheels take some getting used to. That L-Fn2 button on the 600PF works well for me going from FX to DX. It’s next to my thumb and easy to switch back and forth…
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I am using the 600PF and 800PF lens buttons in the exact same was as Krish describes. I do a fair amount of bird photography and find the focal lens save and recall feature to be very helpful to avoid lens hunting. Small birds frequently don't give you a lot of time to find and focus before they move to another location of take off.
Which button did you select? First time I tried it, I found it didn’t work. But I discovered I set it for the L-Fn button and not the L-Fn2 button. I reversed that and all is good now.
I use the fn 2 button for memory recall as mirrorless cameras love to go to infinity when they can’t find a good subject, more so than a good dslr. So when im shooting a subject i know will return to a certain area i set it to this spot and its easy to get back into the general focus range. I use the control ring for exposure compensation and one of my top buttons for DX mode which i only use on occasion. I guess it depends on what and how you shoot.
I use Fn2 for FX/DX and Fn1 for Starlight. I find it invaluable to quickly be able to see a bird quickly in dark foliage. The trick is to remember to turn it off because when it's on, you can't see any adjustments you are making such an exposure compensation.
I tried starlight and it freaked me out. I guess I did something wrong and avoid it. So far I haven’t needed that much low light use as I’ve been able to do just fine in the blue hour with the 400 f4.5 for birds. I still like being able to set a focal distance and return to it quickly.