Well-known member
He's retired and not sending him people to hound him for info.Name you "Nikon guy" I'd like to have a chat with him.
And I know what the manual says and it supports what I have said. I think you are not comprehending it nor it's use case. I am not trying to change your mind, I am just stating that I didn't get it wrong. You interpret it differently from the manual, I am giving you the use case from a Z9 team member. I am fine to agree to disagree.
I will leave you with this to think about. If you are panning and actively tracking a BIF, you are not keeping the bird "STEADY" in the EVF? If the camera is still and a subject suddenly jumping or taking off, is that not "ERRATIC"? Your RTFM comment, you need to think about what that manual is actually saying to you