Nikon EN-EL18D is discontinued.

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Curious timing after all the reported problems with Nikon EN-El-18d batteries arriving fully discharged and unable to be charged without several work arounds. The return rate may have been ab issue. I have ni detailed knowledge but this is the first time I recall Nikon not supporting a current camera body.
Curious timing after all the reported problems with Nikon EN-El-18d batteries arriving fully discharged and unable to be charged without several work arounds. The return rate may have been ab issue. I have ni detailed knowledge but this is the first time I recall Nikon not supporting a current camera body.
Interesting - I hadn't heard about the issues, but then again I haven't really been paying attention to batteries. I have to say that the EN-EL18D that came with my Z9 went from "New"/Level 0 to Level 1 really quickly - within 2-3 months. I thought that was strange since none of my EN-EL15's never went lower than Level 0 even after a year.
I contacted via message B-H - Andera B. - Yes, it is discontinued by the manufacturer. you can get a third party one here
I just called Nikon USA. The customer support rep told me that the battery (EN-EL 18d) is not discontinued and is available for purchase.

I also called B&H. Their rep seemed surprised that the battery isn’t showing up in their inventory system. He had no indication of it being discontinued.
I just called Nikon USA. The customer support rep told me that the battery (EN-EL 18d) is not discontinued and is available for purchase.

I also called B&H. Their rep seemed surprised that the battery isn’t showing up in their inventory system. He had no indication of it being discontinued.
Amazing.. is the link still showing it is discontinued and the B H lady rep agreed. Crazy.
I just put one on my order (B-H) and received a rejection for the 18 battery!!
Just checked B&H - shows out of stock
Actually, it shows both discontinued and out of stock. I suspect B&H had a problem with its inventory of the battery and made it unavailable for sale.

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Actually, it shows both discontinued and out of stock. I suspect B&H had a problem with its inventory of the battery and made it unavailable for sale.

View attachment 90127

There has been a lot of issues with people buying the Nikon batteries and the charger flashing 3 green lights rapidly. I think this is the batteries fully and completely discharging f due to the batteries not being rotated in their inventory. A fully discharged lithium ion battery is very bad and can be damaging to it.

I saw recently people posting about this issue and the battery date was from 2022 but bought just in the last month or so. This has not been an isolated incident
I would not rule out B&H knowing something that Nikon reps won't discuss and there may well be a EN-EL18e in the pipeline. After all, they do an awful lot of business with Nikon.....
In any event if anyone needs an EN-El18d there are alternatives to B&H.
I saw recently people posting about this issue and the battery date was from 2022 but bought just in the last month or so. This has not been an isolated incident
There’s no publicly available data to indicate one way or another if this is a problem endemic to Z9 batteries. There’s only periodic anecdotal reports. There are tens of thousands of these batteries in use. How many are problematic?

My guess is if it were truly widespread, Nikon would issue public notice and a battery recall.
There’s no publicly available data to indicate one way or another if this is a problem endemic to Z9 batteries. There’s only periodic anecdotal reports. There are tens of thousands of these batteries in use. How many are problematic?

My guess is if it were truly widespread, Nikon would issue public notice and a battery recall.
Of course not, but many people post this issue on FB, FM and DPreview over the last 8 months or so that it is a thing. Happens more often then you'd thing is should. I never said it was widespread. Why do people like to try and change what people say on here? I only said it's happened enough that it's been a thing. Why are people buying 18 month old or older batteries as new? Is Nikon sending them old batteries or is B&H not rotating their stock?

Again, it's only 1 of many reasons in this discussion. Maybe an 18E is coming out soon?
Of course not, but many people post this issue on FB, FM and DPreview over the last 8 months or so that it is a thing. Happens more often then you'd thing is should. I never said it was widespread. Why do people like to try and change what people say on here? I only said it's happened enough that it's been a thing. Why are people buying 18 month old or older batteries as new? Is Nikon sending them old batteries or is B&H not rotating their stock?

Again, it's only 1 of many reasons in this discussion. Maybe an 18E is coming out soon?
You said it has not been an isolated incident, and that's what I responded to. I didn't criticize you for what you wrote or change what you said. I commented on it with another point of view.

Regarding the possibility of a new battery... perhaps it's possible. We'll see.
the nikon usa online store shows it as available

fwiw, i would be surprised if they could manage an en-el18e. they JUST expanded the capacity with the d, and i'm sure they sourced it with about as good of batteries as were available at the time, so we'd need to see some advances in battery tech to allow them to improve it methinks
I agree, unlikely an 18E, just the only viable reason that the 18D would be discontinued. I figured if anything it was B&H discontinuing it if anything. Looks like a glitch at this point