Nikon R1C1 flash for Macro Photography

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I use the R1C1 with my D 500, D 850 and could use it on my Z9. I have not tried it yet on my Z9, but it is compatible and one of the unified flashes for Nikon mirrorless cameras.

I do not use the rings that come with the full it. I attach the SU 800 Commander to my camera's flash shoe; one or more SB-R200 flashes to a Really Right stuff flash ring that is attached to the camera, not the lens. When needed, I use a Vello diffuser I bought for each of my SB R200 flashes.

When used wirelessly, the flashes work in TTL BL. Make sure you set the close up switch on the SU 800 commander when using the flashes for macro. The manual is at this link:

I usually set minus flash exp compensation when using the flashes. And my sync is usually set to Rear Curtain, unless I want the flash to be the main light.
I attach the SU 800 Commander to my camera's flash shoe; one or more SB-R200 flashes to a Really Right stuff flash ring that is attached to the camera, not the lens. When needed, I use a Vello diffuser I bought for each of my SB R200 flashes.

Do you have links? I looked at the RRS site but didn't see a flash ring.
I used that flash system years ago; sold it years ago. By comparison I prefer the various macro hoods that fit over traditional on camera flash (I use mine on a profoto A1, but would work on any of the way too many Nikon speedlights I still have :) Reminding myself I really must sell those. ).
Do you have links? I looked at the RRS site but didn't see a flash ring.

I could not find the one I bought from RRS at the RRS site. My ring covers about 270 degrees. . And here is a link to a replacement ring for it. (It came in different sizes.) And it looks like it is not available anymore.

You likely could use some of the Wimberley macro flash brackets to do the same thing.

I would call both companies to see exactly what parts they would recommend. You would need a ring or a bracket. And an accessory shoe to attach each flash unit.

I attach my RRS ring to a Wimberley M-8 perpendicular plate that is attached to a Wimberley Camera plate or a L bracket on the camera.

You might need something like this:

Robert O'Toole used the Nikon R1C1 with a single SB-R200 a lot for his macro photos. I believe he usually set the flash to manual mode and set the power to 1/8 power. Flash head was covered with a diffuser. He was a Sigma Ambassador and I learned a lot from his postings at his website. Unfortunately he passed away in 2023-2024.

I tried to locate a picture of how he attached the Sb-R200 to his camera . Maybe others will have better luck than I.
It depends on how important having a natural look to your images is and your subject choices. More cost and more initial effort to use multiple speedlights but for macro and hummers and vipers the results are worth it.

I have 3 SB-800 speedlights and two Quantum Qflash and did not hesitate to buy the Nikon macro flash kit for my trips to Costa Rica and Brazil. Even with my underwater photography I used two large speedlights which were magnitudes large than the Nikon macro speedlights.
On this note: does anyone know a 3rd-party alternative to the SU-800 if I want a strict commander that does not have its own flash gun?
Several Nikon flash units used in commander mode can be set to nil flash output while controlling other flash units.

This may not be the solution that you want, but at least it does work.
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Ciao, ci sono morsetti della Really right stuff progettati proprio per i piccoli flash nikon sb200, con i quali puoi collegarli a qualsiasi staffa flash. Come staffe puoi guardare nel sito della Wimberlay, ne ha diverse con diversi costi ed utilizzi. Adesso sono fuori produzione ma anche Really right stuff produceva degni anelli circolari su cui aggangiare i flash, puoi trovarli usati. Tieni presente però che nella valigetta del kit R1C1 c'è tutto e di più, anelli di vari diametri per collegare i flash a tutti gli obiettivi, diffusore, ecc.ecc. è davvero completo. Le staffe di cui sopra ti servono se vuoi allontanare dalla macchina ancora di più i flash e non usarli sull'anello frontale dell'ottica. Un'altra cosa, le staffe citate e riportate nel mio post sopra reggono bene anche flash più grandi come l'SB900 ecc, quindi hai il mondo dell'illuminazione macro e non solo ai tuoi piedi, devi sperimentare ed avrai bei risultati.