Nikon Sale - 600 PF is $500 off

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Curious as to why you didn't keep it? Take care
Because I am not traveling this year like I normally do which is mostly to South Africa. For around my home in SoCal, I shoot during the early morning down at beach, the 6.3 was just too slow which cause the ISO to be cranked. If I was traveling like I normally do I would have kept it. It's a wonderful lens.
Because I am not traveling this year like I normally do which is mostly to South Africa. For around my home in SoCal, I shoot during the early morning down at beach, the 6.3 was just too slow which cause the ISO to be cranked. If I was traveling like I normally do I would have kept it. It's a wonderful lens.
Makes sense, especially since you have the 600F4 TC. Later
I highly recommend this lens to all the old folks here, and from prior posts, that's quite a few. I exhibited my one true photographic expertise and paid full price when it first came out because the 180-600 was just too heavy for me to lug around. For my non-professional purposes, I have found the improvements in Adobe and other products, to sufficient make up for the slower aperture, with either denoise or lens blur. Just buy one at a discount and avoid my full price expertise.
A great lens. I got it a while back, so paid full price. It’s small size and light weight make it a joy to use, including handheld. It’s also easy to travel with. I used it a lot this summer from my kayak, both bare and with the 1.4x TC. It takes the 1.4x TC quite well, giving you 840 mm, f9.

The Z 600 mm PF seems optically excellent to me and I can deal with the f6.3 aperture.

I don’t have the Z 600 mm TC to compare. I do have the Z 400 mm TC and Z 800 mm PF. As good as they are, small size and weight often wins out when I’m picking a lens to take, depending on a number of factors: mode of travel, hiking, need to handhold, use in small spaces (like my kayak), etc.
A great lens. I got it a while back, so paid full price. It’s small size and light weight make it a joy to use, including handheld. It’s also easy to travel with. I used it a lot this summer from my kayak, both bare and with the 1.4x TC. It takes the 1.4x TC quite well, giving you 840 mm, f9.

The Z 600 mm PF seems optically excellent to me and I can deal with the f6.3 aperture.

I don’t have the Z 600 mm TC to compare. I do have the Z 400 mm TC and Z 800 mm PF. As good as they are, small size and weight often wins out when I’m picking a lens to take, depending on a number of factors: mode of travel, hiking, need to handhold, use in small spaces (like my kayak), etc.
I have the 600TC and the PF is as sharp.
I highly recommend this lens to all the old folks here, and from prior posts, that's quite a few. I exhibited my one true photographic expertise and paid full price when it first came out because the 180-600 was just too heavy for me to lug around. For my non-professional purposes, I have found the improvements in Adobe and other products, to sufficient make up for the slower aperture, with either denoise or lens blur. Just buy one at a discount and avoid my full price expertise.
Well, that's how I got my 500PF a few years ago. I'm getting older and all my gear seems to be getting heavier. The 500PF was a real positive to be able to hand hold.

If it makes you feel any better, I bought my Z8 last year at full price in a kit with the 24-120. (Yeah the kit was $200 off of full price.) Wasn't long after that it started getting discounted $500. Oh well.
I use mine all the time for wildlife. I also used it on the Z9 and tripod for the total solar eclipse in April. I have been stunned by the images the lens has produced. Great value.