Nikon Z8 Histogram not updating with exposure compensation

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Hi everyone,

I have been using my Z8 for several months now without issue, but all of sudden my historgam does not appear to be working properly. It is displayed on the viewfinder, however it does not change or move left to right when adjusting the exposure compensation wheel, thus making it difficult to find the correct exposure while shooting. The exposure compensation is working, but I can only check after I have taken the shot in photo review.

Has anyone else come across this issue and is there a way to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

Hi everyone,

I have been using my Z8 for several months now without issue, but all of sudden my historgam does not appear to be working properly. It is displayed on the viewfinder, however it does not change or move left to right when adjusting the exposure compensation wheel, thus making it difficult to find the correct exposure while shooting. The exposure compensation is working, but I can only check after I have taken the shot in photo review.

Has anyone else come across this issue and is there a way to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

Does the VF/Monitor darken/lighten when you change EC? (B7 needs to be off for this).
I guess I would try the 'old standby" your settings to the card and then reset the camera and then restore settings.
Hi everyone,

I have been using my Z8 for several months now without issue, but all of sudden my historgam does not appear to be working properly. It is displayed on the viewfinder, however it does not change or move left to right when adjusting the exposure compensation wheel, thus making it difficult to find the correct exposure while shooting. The exposure compensation is working, but I can only check after I have taken the shot in photo review.

Has anyone else come across this issue and is there a way to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

What mode are you shooting? Aperture? Shutter? Program? Manual? What exposure metering? Matrix? Spot? Weighted center?
Does it change shape when you move the camera around a scene covering light and dark areas? If so then the histogram is working and it is the EC that is not.

Could you be at an iso limit? For example in manual with auto iso once you get down to base iso or high to max iso the iso has no more room until you change aperture or shutter speed.

Could you be in an automatic mode that doesn't allow EC?
Thanks for the prompt replies everyone! I have managed to figure it out after exploring every setting that I had changed recently. I had Starlight View (d9) turned on and turning this off corrected the issue. The histogram now moves left and right when adjusting exposure compensation and the screen also lightens and darkens with the same.

Apologies for wasting anyone's time, but perhaps this thread could help someone else in the future.
Weird that you mention this, I had the exact same thing happen to me out of nowhere a few weeks back. Starlight Mode was suddenly active for no reason. I never go into menus, so still scratching my head as to how it got turned on.
Thanks for the prompt replies everyone! I have managed to figure it out after exploring every setting that I had changed recently. I had Starlight View (d9) turned on and turning this off corrected the issue. The histogram now moves left and right when adjusting exposure compensation and the screen also lightens and darkens with the same. Apologies for wasting anyone's time, but perhaps this thread could help someone else in the future.
I'm not an overly suspicious guy, but I wonder if there was something in the most recent firmware that changed the Starlight setting for some people. Just seems a strangely high incidence.