Nikon Z8 not going to lowest ISO setting in manual mode

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Maybe I found a bug but I have two Z8 bodies, (plus a 3rd one that a friend has) one of my Bodies will not go to the ISO Lo1.0 in full manual mode or any of the other modes. I am not using AUTO ISO.
I can go to the settings and set it at LO1.0 but when I release the ISO button it pops back to ISO64.
Anyone else have this issue?
It's ok, I switched to Nikon and was playing with manual mode, getting used to all of the controls... Using auto-ISO, the exposure compensation refused to make the scene any darker, I was losing my mind. Well the sun had just peeked out from behind the clouds and already brought me down to base ISO 🥴 Woops...
Glad to help. I did the setting based on a recommendation from Steve's book, which made sense for wildlife but I was doing landscapes so lesson learned. These cameras have some many options I feel like an NFL player trying to remember a playbook:)