No More Production of Nikon F Mount

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In another post on NikonRumors, it is clear they take a dim view of PetaPixel (quoted above) and the reverse is likely true, so it seems there is a rivalry. It also seems to me that PetaPixel is misrepresenting the NikonRumors article. That article says Nikon is no longer manufacturing F mount products, it does NOT say they are no longer supporting them, which is what PetaPixel implies they are saying. Whether or not Nikon is really manufacturing any more F mount products or not I suppose none of us can say for sure, but it doesn't suprise me that Nikon came out with a rebuttal. If they still have lots of stock to sell they would not want buyers to believe they are buying into a format that is no longer being made and about to disappear.
Sorry, I misunderstood your post. It implied to me that Nikon had recently made an official announcement ceasing F mount production.
I do not think Nikon has made such an announcement.

I theory about 40 Nikon F mount AF lenses are listed as still available new in UK - though a few of these may be old stock available perhaps from 1 retailer.

Not all lenses still in theory available in UK have a Nikon order code - implying once retailers sell current stocks no more can be ordered.

My speculation is about 20 F mount lenses are still made in batches - for each lens probably when Nikon has enough back-orders to set up a specific production line.
Nikon is no longer making any F mount lenses or bodies. There are still many available from stock already in stores, and of course there are some great deals on used gear (and will continue to be). But if you want new F mount equipment, it is now or never.
This is both sad and exciting at the same time to see what new stuff we will see in the Z line.