Northern Harrier

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Couple of nice shots here. When you can get BG separation like this the 800PF rocks.
Thanks and I agree. I picked up the 800 a few months ago as I tried to hold on to the 400 4.5 as long as I could. I loved how light the 400 was and sharp. But I was living with the 1.4 teleconverter on it and felt I needed something longer. With the 800 I can still hand hold it and even with the 1.4x on it's still performs remarkably well. I posted this last week as I unexpectedly came up on the red tail hawk and had the teleconverter already on the 800 so had to shuffle back and hand hold this before the hawk flew away. I was impressed with how sharp they came out (despite my unsteadiness).

Beautiful images, love the color!!

Very nice!