Not a Nest

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No, this isn't a nest and those aren't eggs inside. It's actually a flowering dogwood's flower bud opening; the "eggs" are the buds of the actual flowers, what most folks consider the flowers are really bracts. The bracts in wild flowering dogwoods are white (sometimes with a very slight pinkish cast), cultivated varieties have either pink or white bracts.

Flowering Dogwood.JPG
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No, this isn't a nest and those aren't eggs inside. It's actually a flowering dogwood's flower bud opening; the "eggs" are the buds of the actual flowers, what most folks consider the flowers are really bracts. The bracts in wild flowering dogwoods are white (sometimes with a very slight pinkish cast), cultivated varieties have either pink or white bracts.

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Love dogwoods. Ours just dropped its bracts. Also love the red berries end of season but not sure how to make pop.