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Phillipe this is a great picture, I love your composition.View attachment 54633
Namibia - Oryx – Gemsbok - oryx gazella - Sossusvlei area
Thank you for your interest. The background is a very high dune. Left part is in the dark and the right one in the light. I've cropped the sky, precisely to disturb the spotsCool shot! I’m not sure what is going on in background, but looks oninous!
Thank you for your comment. Explanation given in my previous answerLikewise can’t fathom the background!! Intriguing
Thank you for your interest CharlesThat's a jaw dropper, wowzer natural backdrop
Thank you for your interest OliverPhillipe this is a great picture, I love your composition.
Thank you for your comment BobAmazing composition, Phillippe!
Many thanks for your comment RichGreat animal-scape. One of the best I have seen
Thank you for your comment DanQuite an interesting shot. Nice job.