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Another Great Grey visiting us.

GGO Portait 2-1012-IMG_00001.jpg
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On September 14 I posted a photo of a Powerful Owl in this thread. That photo was taken on August 1, the last day before Melbourne went into a Covid related lockdown that restricted all 5 million residents to 1 hour a day of exercise a maximum of 5km from your home. As a result of these measures cases have fallen from 700+ cases per day to less than 5 per day and restrictions were eased last Sunday to allow travel withing a 25km radius. As a result I was able to get back to the same site today to meet the progeny.

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Not great shots but great to be able to get out and about again.

Was going through some older images and cleaning up my archives when I came across the Short Eared Owl that gave me a nice pose on a snowy day.

D2X, 600mm f/4 + TC-14, f/6.3, 1/200", ISO 250
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Have been out on the Olympic Peninsula for the past couple of days and got away to walk the beaches and photograph some shore birds today. Ever since we got here I've been thinking the old growth forest between our rental place and the dunes looks like classic owl habitat. This evening as I walked back from the beach I spotted this Barred Owl roosting on an old snag over a creek and was able to work around and find a shooting position for some portraits. Not much light for this shot and had to push the ISO pretty high but was happy with the result.

Nikon D850, 500mm PF @ f/5.6, 1/160", ISO 5600 hand held
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