Photo editing software

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I was curious if anyone has any suggestions for editing software.. I am a hobbyist and can't justify the expense of Lightroom. Currently I am using PhotoScape X pro and I like it but I just get a feeling I could do a little better. I have tried the Nikon NX Studio but find the Photoscape X does a little better. Suggestions?
Photoshop Elements. You can purchase it for around $100 or less on sale. I have used it for about 15 years. That and Topaz for noise reduction.
It is a good value but you need a very good internet connection. When I was on Hughes Satellite I had Adobe SHUT DOWN my use of Photoshop for 3 separate weekends which is why I Dumped Adobe. That won't happen with Affinity.

Adobe Customer Service is Nonexistent if you have problems.
The only thing you "need" an internet connection for is to verify your subscription periodically. You can choose not to use the generative AI tools, which Affinity does not have either. So you're not gaining anything by dumping Photoshop and Camera Raw/Lightroom for Affinity, which doesn't handle raw files as well and still lacks much of Photoshop's sophistication. I haven't had much cause to use Adobe support, but when I have, it was excellent.
I was curious if anyone has any suggestions for editing software.. I am a hobbyist and can't justify the expense of Lightroom. Currently I am using PhotoScape X pro and I like it but I just get a feeling I could do a little better. I have tried the Nikon NX Studio but find the Photoscape X does a little better. Suggestions?
Faststone--free and works great