photographing bees

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Photographing bees takes a lot of patience and my hit ratio is about one 'good' photo per 100-200 frames.
TRUTH! 😂 Anyone on this thread have experience with focus stacking as it relates to flash and recycle times? Know it wouldn't be very applicable to our subjects on display here 🐝 but for general macro. At 1/16'th the power I would think the flash should be ok but if the stack calls for 80 or so images IDK 🤔

What size are those bees ?
I'm stuned by the DOF you have with a 100 mm at f2.8 on a full frame camera. From the front of the head to at least the wing in the first one.
It seems I don't get that at f/8.

And great for your manual focus technique !
That's just the exif data recorded that way as it's a manual lens on an adapter with no electronic contacts. Actual Aperture is about F8-11 if I remember right.

I just zone focus them and use the higher speed burst modes on the Z8, I think that was a 60 FPS shot and was a JPEG.

I'll pick up a Z macro someday but the FA is still a good lens.