Photshop not reading Olympus ORF files

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I’m in Brazil, traveled from the US. My OM-1 raw files were being read just fine the foret day. Then all of ansudden, I am getting an error message from Photoshop that these types of files can not be read! Help! Any ideas why and how to fix! It could be the license I have from my university job not woeking in a foreign country? But it worked ine day as mentioned. Any hlep is much aopreciated.
I can't think of a reason, but something might be worth trying is to make sure you are logged in to your creative cloud app, in case Adobe thinks you are unlicensed for whatever reason.
I’m in Brazil, traveled from the US. My OM-1 raw files were being read just fine the foret day. Then all of ansudden, I am getting an error message from Photoshop that these types of files can not be read! Help! Any ideas why and how to fix! It could be the license I have from my university job not woeking in a foreign country? But it worked ine day as mentioned. Any hlep is much aopreciated.
I can't think of a reason, but something might be worth trying is to make sure you are logged in to your creative cloud app, in case Adobe thinks you are unlicensed for whatever reason.
I thought I’d follow up with the solution I eventually fixed the problem. I updated Photoshop Raw File plugin!