Please help me figure out why my photos aren't crisp...

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I would suggest a keep it simple approach and see what the results are. Shoot from a tripod at 1000/sec or faster and at f/8 which is probably the "sweet spot" for the 500 PF (it might be f.7) Pick a target that has good definition, some people suggest taking a shot of an open book (if you have a book!). or a retail package of some sort that has different sized, well printed text.

I use that lens a lot, mostly on a tripod or monopod. At f/8 most of the time, a minimum 1000/sec or better. I don't worry about the ISO for the most part. With programs like Topaz DeNoise or Sharpen you can fix most noise issues and get a sharper image.

Don't be afraid to use Topaz Sharpen if you are trying to compare to other people's shots! The before and after will probably be a "holy cow"! moment for you.