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Yes, it was a very small (about a foot long) and placed on the moss-covered log by a local who has an eco-camp. Once placed, there was no aggressive movement on our part so it just stayed there. I suspect we were about 18-24 inches away. Although the adults are highly venomous, the young ones don't have the quantity of venom to do much harm. Adults are large 4-6 feet long and sometimes bigger. We almost stepped on one in the Amazon a few years ago, but for our guide who threw us out of the way before we disturbed it.
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Captured in the park near my home.
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Late to the party. These are all from my workshop in CR with Dennis Valverde. All except the last were done with a Z 105 Macro he loaned me for reptile day out in the bush.

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This one is actually one of Connie's shots with her Z50 and kit lens. She went along on the workshop as a +1 and those folks only got a half day out at the chocolate plantation and gardens. I have an almost identical shot but actually like hers better as the butterflies or moths are closer to being mirror images than in mine…despite the fact that I took several bursts at 20FPS with my Z8. She does single shots and took maybe 10 frames of them total and got the better composition.

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