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Here ya' go!







Luv the variety.
Wow, there are a lot of amazing photos in this collection. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the year. The osprey and the fox were both in Wellfleet, MA. The fox had a den under my deck. The cygnet was in a little pond in Concord, MA and the bear was a rescue living in an amazing habitat at the top of a gondola at Grouse Mountain's Refuge for Endangered Wildlife.


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Not sure these count relative to the previous 5(6) pages of posts... Hopefully the 17-year Cicadas are a bit interesting.

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For the past year and a half I've been living in Dhaka, Bangladesh, one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world. You might think the birding here would be pretty sketchy, but in fact we have an amazing variety of species that somehow make the city their home. I'll attach a few favorites, in smartphone-friendly 16x9 crop ratio :)


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Here's 7 of my favorites from this year
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So many great images in this thread!

Here are some of my favorites from this year:

Forum 24-09-26 American Pika.jpg
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Forum 24-04-14 Long-Tailed Weasel.jpg
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Forum 24-12-22 Marbled Godwit.jpg
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Forum 24-04-11 Coyote.jpg
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Forum 24-08-16 Barn Owl.jpg
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Forum 24-11-02 Coyote.jpg
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After making some difficult choices these were the images that I found interesting for me during 2024.
I hope that you find one that interests you.
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Pacific Gull
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White-faced Heron
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Australian Owlet-nightjar
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Lewins Rail
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Peregrine Falcon
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Pacific Black Ducks
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Tree Martins
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Grey Goshawk
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Common Kingfisher
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Spotted Owlet
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Red-breasted Flycatcher
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A one-eyed Brown Fish Owl
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Crested Bunting
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African Fish Eagle
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It's that time of year again - post 5-7 of your favorite / best wildlife images from 2024. I know it's tough and if you can't pick "best" pick favorites - that's what I did LOL.

Please keep all your images in a single post. I'm looking forward to seeing them!

Here are my (current) favorites from 2024, although I still have so many more to process.

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Two weeks in the Masai Mara in July. So many pics to choose from and so many yet to review!
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This has probably been the least birdy year for me. I narrowed down to photos that link to specific, memorable encounters to make the selection less difficult.

A bronze jumping spider plotting its escape from the top of my... construction glove: it spun a tiny thread and then turned over to swing on the threads using its front limbs - quite Spider-man like, I got to say.
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Leucistic black-billed magpies are also called ghost magpies. I had never seen one despite living at the supposed biggest population center of this variant until last Fall. This one is apparently nicknamed "Cracker".
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A tender moment between a Canada goose mom and her first hatchling. This goose was nesting on the small concrete platform (?roof/shed) above the entrance of my apartment and I got to watch everything from the comfort of my bedroom. The sad news is that, the next day, I came back from work to see the hatchling and all the unhatched eggs gone. Something must have attacked the nest. :( Momma stuck around for a few more days, perhaps hoping that she can restart with a new clutch, but she eventually abandoned the site.
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My second ever prairie rattlesnake - the first one was just a few days before this encounter. This one was special because it was perfectly camouflaged to the entrance of this abandoned shedhouse. The shedhouse complex is a famous site to the locals but was left dilapidated because the officer who could have designated it as a provincial historical site was too lazy to visit it himself - he paid a farmer to go and take a photo of the complex for his report. The surrounding area of this shedhouse is a world-class dinosaur locality. The shedhouse itself is still the northernmost known hibernaculum of the prairie rattlesnake ever since its discovery in the 70s.
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Elly, a one-horned Bighorn Sheep we encountered while shed hunting last spring deep in the Rockies. She showed up at our lunch spot to forage and seemed completely unbothered by our group. Another friend managed to make two gouache sketches of her while I went to town with my camera. At one point a curious hoary marmot whose burrow was a couple feet downslope from us even showed up to the party like a grumpy neighbour. We left her alone after an hour and a half to continue our trip (and to stop getting swarmed by the Rocky Mountain ticks). And yep, this shot was with a Sigma 18-35mm.
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A pair of grizzly bear boar & cub in the Pacific Northwest - you might recall that I had a whole thread about salvaging a photo from my first grizzly encounter. Happy to report that I got better shots of the later bears.
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A few from my 2024 travels. May we all have a glorious 2025 filled with memorable wildlife experiences!

Pronghorn Pan 5 (copyrighted).jpg
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Bluebird 4b Copyrighted.jpg
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Fox 4 (copyrighted).jpg
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Bison Bull Copyrighted.jpg
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Trees 1 Copyrighted.jpg
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Bosque del Apache 241203 1631-3096.jpg
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Los Crusis NM 241204 0010-HDR-3105.jpg
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Bosque del Apache 241203 1912-3079-3080-3083.jpg
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Bosque del Apache 241203 1818-Enhanced-NR-2-3100-3101.jpg
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Bosque del Apache 241203 1703-3099.jpg
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