Stunning images, everyone!
Here are a few from Australia.
1) A Peregrine Falcon teaching it's fledgling young to do aerobatics
Z9 + 500 f5.6 PF + 1.4x TCIII, 1/5000s f/8.0 at 700.0mm iso2800
2) Osprey with catch of the day.
Z9 + 400 f2.7=8E FL VR + 1.4x TCIII, 1/3200s f/5.6 at 560.0mm iso2200
3) Royal Spoonbill in breeding plumage giving a funny pose.
Z9 + 500 f5.6 PF, 1/1250s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso450
4) Spotted Pardalote - the size of my thumb! One of my favourite birds.
Z9 + 500 f5.6 PF + 1.4x TCIII, 1/800s f/8.0 at 700.0mm iso1400
5) Beautiful Firetail
Z9 + 500 f5.6 PF + 1.4x TCIII, 1/320s f/8.0 at 700.0mm iso900
6) Eastern Rosella
Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/400s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso180
7) Platypus - shot at Taronga Zoo but I had to include it as it is so difficult to get a shot of these guys in the wild let alone in a decent pose. Not only that, but they are such a unique animal. Platypus are one of only two mammals that lay eggs but suckle their young with milk, the other being the Echidna (spiny anteater) and both are only found in Australia. This group of animals are callled Monotremes. They are about 350-450mm long (14-16 inches). The Platypus are endemic to eastern Australia and Tasmania only.
Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/320s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso3200
8) Echidna - and this is the other monotreme.
Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/400s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso1000