Post your Instagram handle here...

If you would like to post, you'll need to register. Note that if you have a BCG store account, you'll need a new, separate account here (we keep the two sites separate for security purposes).

If you have an IG account post your account handle in the comments. Seems as though we should be aware of each others work.

Mine is (surprise) @backcountrygallery

One of these days I may even post something new :D. (I kind of forget instagram exists sometimes)

Also, I just followed a bunch back from this thread already - thanks for following me :)
Always good to see everyone else’s work!

I’m @fshaluska

Thanks for checking it out!


For social media, it's very good, just not a fan of the square format ( nor the work around) for wildlife photography.
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I need to start posting to instagram more diligently, plan to in the next couple months...mine is wildlifephotographybymark just a few pics atm...but will be posting more soon.