Protect your images from AI scans

If you would like to post, you'll need to register. Note that if you have a BCG store account, you'll need a new, separate account here (we keep the two sites separate for security purposes).

What kind of photography needs to be secured like area 51?

Having a paid Dropbox account, or backup to AWA S3, is more vulnerable vs. stacking the back up drives at home/office?
Did you never hear of external hard drives or bank safe deposit boxes? How about an external hard drive and a friend's or relative's house? An off-site external hard drive may not be as convenient as cloud storage, but it's even more secure and totally within your control.
Until your friend gets divorced… 😜
A similar program called Glaze alters the image in small ways so the ai can't pick up the pattern.
To paraphrase the US copyright office, parentheses mine : As a copyright owner, you have the right to make (or not make), sell (or choose not to sell) or otherwise distribute copies (or not allow copies) , adapt (or prevent from being adapted) the work, and publicly display (or choose not to display) your work.

Interesting link below on Glaze:

Back in my working days, we would share technical data (anonymized) publicly. The data was carefully selected, of course, but it had value. So our competitors got to see our stuff. And those competitors reciprocated. It is common. Tons of free info going back and forth, benefiting all. Share, and get free stuff back.
You have a right to give away what belongs to you. You can't take anything you want or give away what belongs to others. Anything learned in kindergarten applies.
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