Raised shutter button

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Hi folks. Ever since doing a recent wildlife shoot the very cold weather of Canada with gloves do I look for an enhancement on my Z9.
Despite wearing good gloves did the tops of my fingers got a bit numb. I was looking, here in Europe, for a supplier that can raise the shutter button of my camera.
In my search did I find just one brand, ProDot, and went over their website to find dealers in my part of the world but none do have it anymore.

Does anyone else knows another brand or solution for raising the shutter button in a non-destructive way?
Thx for your input.
I know some people have tried applying some sugru to the shutter button to raise its profile. It’s a moldable glue that will adhere to the button and you can shape it as you like.
Hi folks. Ever since doing a recent wildlife shoot the very cold weather of Canada with gloves do I look for an enhancement on my Z9.
Despite wearing good gloves did the tops of my fingers got a bit numb. I was looking, here in Europe, for a supplier that can raise the shutter button of my camera.
In my search did I find just one brand, ProDot, and went over their website to find dealers in my part of the world but none do have it anymore.

Does anyone else knows another brand or solution for raising the shutter button in a non-destructive way?
Thx for your input.
These are ok but fall off the shutter button quickly if the camera is pushed around. I need to look in my bag for the one that fell off one of my cameras recently. Easy and cheap to replace so not a big deal. The shipping cost me more than the product.
Hi folks. Ever since doing a recent wildlife shoot the very cold weather of Canada with gloves do I look for an enhancement on my Z9.
Despite wearing good gloves did the tops of my fingers got a bit numb. I was looking, here in Europe, for a supplier that can raise the shutter button of my camera.
In my search did I find just one brand, ProDot, and went over their website to find dealers in my part of the world but none do have it anymore.

Does anyone else knows another brand or solution for raising the shutter button in a non-destructive way?
Thx for your input.

I stick a dome shaped cupboard door bumper on the flush shutter button on my Fuji battery grip. Over time they will move but it is quick and easy to stick another one on.

My Z6ii grip has a raised on/off switch around the shutter release so I can cope with that., but the Fuji is dead flush, as are the other function buttons.
ProDot is available on Amazon here in the US. Surely available in the EU? I use them for the same reason i.e. cold/gloved fingers.


I stick a dome shaped cupboard door bumper on the flush shutter button on my Fuji battery grip. Over time they will move but it is quick and easy to stick another one on.

My Z6ii grip has a raised on/off switch around the shutter release so I can cope with that., but the Fuji is dead flush, as are the other function buttons.
Thank you for posting. Both great ideas. I will try both suggestions. At times I find the shutter button elusive bot the ProDot and bumper look like great solutions.