Recommendations for 200-500 5.6 replacement

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If you want to stay relatively inexpensive, you could try a used Tamron 150-600mm g2. I'm still shooting a d500 so I can't comment on how it works with a z8 and FTZ. But you could probably get one used in excellent condition for not much more than the cost of fixing your 200-500. You'd have an extra 100mm. But you will lose a half stop of light. It's f6.3 at 600mm.
I'm another person who was taking photos mostly on the long end of my Tamron 150-600mm's range, so I got a 500PF and love it. I do sometimes miss the 600mm range. But I plan to use my 500PF with a z8 when I eventually switch. Many people on this forum report good results.
What bothers you about using f6.3 or smaller? Higher ISO's? Today's NR software is excellent at reducing noise, especially when both sharpening and NR are applied to separately masked areas of the image.

FWIW - I enjoy my 100-400 a LOT. For a super tele to hand hold I am considering the 600mm f6.3.
I understand and appreciate (from personal experience) his issue using 5.6/6.3 lenses with very low light, as very early in the morning or late in the evening these apertures produce very noisy and often soft images, even on full frame, high mp bodies, which NR and sharpening SW can't really completely correct. Plus, there's the problem of AF acquisition & locking in very low light situations. I don't really have a solution other than faster, heavier, and more expensive glass, unless of course Nikon releases a 200-600 f4. 🥴

P.S. the 180-600 f5.6-6.3 is the natural successor to the 200-500 of course, and it's a better lens in many respects. The difference between 6.3 and 5.6 is negligible.
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I have another thought. Still in the F-mount world because that's where I currently live. But my current line-up is a 300mm PF F4 (with or without a 1.4TCiii) and a 500mm PF. I use the 300mm pf f4 when the light really goes down. I need the birds to be close, but one of my targets is marsh birds like Rails, Sora, wrens, common yellowthroats, and other common marsh birds. If I park myself, let the light go down, and the birds might get used to me being there, I am finding the 300mm f4 very fun to use. Others may suggest a 70-200mm f2.8 for this purpose. (I might try that too.)

I know you mentioned that you aren't ready for a fixed lens solution, but if you want or can tolerate a two lens solution, maybe a 300mm f4 pf and a 500mm pf could cover your range needs. The 300mm pf is very close focusing which is really nice. But it won't help with distant subjects in low light.

At this point I'm not adding any lenses until I get a z8 because I think it could completely change my thinking. I was a "zoom guy" until I tried the 300mmPF/1.4TCiii combo and fell in love with primes and their faster AF, lighter weight (with the two I have), and learned that my feet work to zoom.
Good luck, sorry about your 200-500.
I have another thought. Still in the F-mount world because that's where I currently live. But my current line-up is a 300mm PF F4 (with or without a 1.4TCiii) and a 500mm PF. I use the 300mm pf f4 when the light really goes down. I need the birds to be close, but one of my targets is marsh birds like Rails, Sora, wrens, common yellowthroats, and other common marsh birds. If I park myself, let the light go down, and the birds might get used to me being there, I am finding the 300mm f4 very fun to use. Others may suggest a 70-200mm f2.8 for this purpose. (I might try that too.)

I know you mentioned that you aren't ready for a fixed lens solution, but if you want or can tolerate a two lens solution, maybe a 300mm f4 pf and a 500mm pf could cover your range needs. The 300mm pf is very close focusing which is really nice. But it won't help with distant subjects in low light.

At this point I'm not adding any lenses until I get a z8 because I think it could completely change my thinking. I was a "zoom guy" until I tried the 300mmPF/1.4TCiii combo and fell in love with primes and their faster AF, lighter weight (with the two I have), and learned that my feet work to zoom.
Good luck, sorry about your 200-500.
I echo recommendation for the 500mm pf. That is a really great lens and it works really well with teleconverters. My photo buddy has used one quite a lot and they are deeply discounted these days as people have been flocking to the 600mm pf.

A shorter zoom with that lens would also work well.
I have another thought. Still in the F-mount world because that's where I currently live. But my current line-up is a 300mm PF F4 (with or without a 1.4TCiii) and a 500mm PF. I use the 300mm pf f4 when the light really goes down. I need the birds to be close, but one of my targets is marsh birds like Rails, Sora, wrens, common yellowthroats, and other common marsh birds. If I park myself, let the light go down, and the birds might get used to me being there, I am finding the 300mm f4 very fun to use. Others may suggest a 70-200mm f2.8 for this purpose. (I might try that too.)

I know you mentioned that you aren't ready for a fixed lens solution, but if you want or can tolerate a two lens solution, maybe a 300mm f4 pf and a 500mm pf could cover your range needs. The 300mm pf is very close focusing which is really nice. But it won't help with distant subjects in low light.

At this point I'm not adding any lenses until I get a z8 because I think it could completely change my thinking. I was a "zoom guy" until I tried the 300mmPF/1.4TCiii combo and fell in love with primes and their faster AF, lighter weight (with the two I have), and learned that my feet work to zoom.
Good luck, sorry about your 200-500.
Thank you. Me too ☺️ I’m going to look at primes but most are out of my price range. Had to dip into retirement funds to get the camera lol
I echo recommendation for the 500mm pf. That is a really great lens and it works really well with teleconverters. My photo buddy has used one quite a lot and they are deeply discounted these days as people have been flocking to the 600mm pf.

A shorter zoom with that lens would also work well.
Unfortunately that’s out of my budget range.