Red-breasted Sapsuckers

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The sapsuckers are drumming on the trees in my yard this morning. One was drumming on the top of a hemlock snag left after cutting down the tree last year (hemlocks rot from the bottom so it had to go). The snag has nice acoustics and is quite resonant. This bird kept circulating to drum on it and a the dead part of an alder in our neighbor’s yard.
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Shortly after the above picture was taken, two other sapsuckers flew up to the snag and the three birds eventually moved to a nearby Douglas fir and were circling the tree trunk. I think there are two males and one female, but since they look pretty much the same it's hard to be certain.
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All of the above with a D850 and 500PF. The first is on a tripod with a Wimberly WH-200 head. I'll add another vote for the Hejnar H129-500 foot on the 500PF, since it's much better than the stock foot and helps with shooting in low light or making videos with the camera on a tripod.