Red-winged Blackbirds in Flight

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Craig Yuill

Well-known member
Supporting Member
The male Red-winged Blackbirds are showing their Spring plumage. I captured each of these birds in flight in Iona Regional Park, which is just North of YVR (Vancouver International Airport). Iona tends to have a large concentration of Red-winged Blackbirds that can be seen year round - but are especially noticeable at this time of year. All of these were taken with my Nikon D500 and Sigma 100-400mm lens.

Here is one gliding with wings tucked in.
20240313 01 Red-winged Blackbird BCG.jpg
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Here is another, flying among reeds.
20240313 02 Red-winged Blackbird BCG.jpg
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This one had just taken off.
20240313 03 Red-winged Blackbird BCG.jpg
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I would like to thank all of the other photographers who post in this forum. Your excellent work has inspired me to "up" my game when it comes to bird and wildlife photography.
The male Red-winged Blackbirds are showing their Spring plumage. I captured each of these birds in flight in Iona Regional Park, which is just North of YVR (Vancouver International Airport). Iona tends to have a large concentration of Red-winged Blackbirds that can be seen year round - but are especially noticeable at this time of year. All of these were taken with my Nikon D500 and Sigma 100-400mm lens.

Here is one gliding with wings tucked in.
View attachment 84515

Here is another, flying among reeds.
View attachment 84516

This one had just taken off.
View attachment 84517

I would like to thank all of the other photographers who post in this forum. Your excellent work has inspired me to "up" my game when it comes to bird and wildlife photography.
These are superb BIF captures Craig, would love to see some of these but not much chance this side of the Atlantic. Well done. 👍👍👍