Red Wolf (endangered)

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Mike Delgado

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Red Wolf
Only 19-21 left in the wild and the eastern coast of the Carolinas is the home of these rare animals. It was a privilege to see & photograph them at a distance in the wild.
Not many will ever see these guys in the wild, so I wanted to share.
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Beautiful animal...I've done some photography in the past for the Wild Wolf Sanctuary here in Missouri (at once time sponsored by Washington University) where they were doing research into various breeds of wolves and, as possible, reintroducing them into the wild. To see one roaming free had to be incredible.
Congratulations on photographing such a rare animal. I was not aware of these wolves or how rare they are until seeing your picture. Thanks for making me aware of them.
Great experience. I recently saw some at a zoo and thought they were coyotes until I saw the sign. They look a lot closer to some of the bigger coyotes running around here than they do the gray wolves in my State of Wisconsin. I’ll be making closer inspections of the trail cam photos I get from now on. Haha
Beautiful animal...I've done some photography in the past for the Wild Wolf Sanctuary here in Missouri (at once time sponsored by Washington University) where they were doing research into various breeds of wolves and, as possible, reintroducing them into the wild. To see one roaming free had to be incredible.
I think I have seen two relatively recent TV shows looking into the Ozark Howler legend. I think both concluded it was likely based on the red wolf. At least one conducted a genetic sample on a tanned hide in someone’s possession. The lab identified the sample as coming from a red wolf.

I grew up in the Ozarks where a “still“ was understood as something our neighbors used to make moonshine. It had nothing to do with a photograph.
so cool to get to see this. Thank you for sharing. I remember back in the early 1990's they tried to reintroduce them in the Smoky Mountains but the experiment failed. Something about the pups getting Parvo and dying if I remember correctly.