Refurb Z9 Nikon sale: $4005 USD

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Nikon Refurb sale today only - get a Z9 for the price of a Z8!

I've done a couple of refurbs from Nikon and they've been fine (saved me a couple of $1k's), but others here I know have had less good luck there. The refurb sales do vary - sometimes they have incredible deals - other times more normal-ish pricing like today, but I'm not sure I've seen a Z9 this inexpensive... Cheers!


[Edit]: you have to put the item in the cart for the additional discount to show up. Of course taxes and shipping need to be added.
I can’t recall seeing a refurb Z9 at this price. It’s a great deal for anyone considering a Z9. A refurb Z 20-70 f/2.8 is just over $1700. Another great deal.
Looks like it is over now - back up to $4499.95. Even that is a good deal at a thousand bucks off new.
I perhaps should have bolded the "today only" ;) - they don't extend those types of sales in general, but they might be repeated in the future, but not for quite a while. They need to get a backlog of refurb product to put it on one of these "good sales."

I waited for a while get a Z7 at a pretty amazing price (I had seen it before at that price, and knew at some point they would repeat it, but it did take months), and the same for a Z 24-120mm (which was the first time I saw it at that price) - now my default walkaround kit. Note that these very special prices (this was was actually not one of those! Just a very good sale), sell out very quickly, so don't take their "ends at" date/time as the drop dead timeline - desireable items will sell out long before that time.

Do please note that other folks on these forums have had *bad* experiences with Nikon refurb items. To me, it's a similar risk to buying used (or even new - sometimes you get a "bad copy" of a lens/camera). Also, that Nikon is very picky about the payment method, and if yours isn't flawless, they might decide to cancel your order, and go to the next person in line.

Nikon does also at rare times have incredible sales on new items - there was ONE day that the F 105mm f/1.4 was $1k USD. New. Direct from Nikon. I thought hard about that one, but I didn't pull the trigger even though I could have turned around and resold that for a profit... Still wondering about that decision haha.

Cheers, and happy hunting!
Tax at Nikon is hit and exempt, I was not charged on a few items and was on others. The 180-600 showed the tax on receipt, but did not charge.
I wait to purchase directly from Nikon when I'm at my wife's family's place in New Hampshire for their zero per-cent sales tax rate. This past summer was even better because the items I wanted to purchase went on sale at Nikon USA.Overall. I saved over $600 US when compared to purchase at regular price at home in Florida.
It says additional discount added at checkout.
I just checked and the discount wasn't tendered at checkout. It must be over for the refurbed discount.
I perhaps should have bolded the "today only" ;) - they don't extend those types of sales in general, but they might be repeated in the future, but not for quite a while. They need to get a backlog of refurb product to put it on one of these "good sales." ...
There is also every possibility that they've exhausted their supply of refurbished Z9s. I've heard from Nikon reps in the past that really good deals on "hot' items lead to sell outs of the products.
There is also every possibility that they've exhausted their supply of refurbished Z9s. I've heard from Nikon reps in the past that really good deals on "hot' items lead to sell outs of the products.
"Hot" items on the refurb list def sell out quickly - kind of surprising they still have $4500 Z9's avail imo (that extra 11% discount was for that ONE day only).

On the day the Z 24-120mm f/4 refurb went on sale, I jumped on it, and within a very few hours, it was no longer available, and I haven't seen it since. Same with refurb the Z 800mm PF which I've seen as a refurb for a few hrs on one day. I tested the 24-120mm when I got it, and it appeared to be a good copy, and also felt and appeared new to me - but I know I was taking a (hopefully small) chance when getting a refurb. My Z7 has also been quite good. I have a Z6ii (which I should sell now, as it sits idle, near my also-idle D850), but being a landscape guy, I always missed the 45mp resolution.
