Resplendent Quetzal

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Your images do justice to this incredible bird! You caught virtually all angles, but #2 is such a unique shot I love it. IMO, these shots have it all-gorgeous subject, nice BG, terrific perch, good exposure and focus. Shots to be proud of!
I have found that the RQs prefer the cold, rainy days. Often on the beautiful sunny days, they just do not move around much. I was told by a guide (at Paraiso Quetzal Lodge by the way) that the RQs are so bright in the sun they attract predators (hawks) so they do not move much. Not sure if that is true but it makes a good story.

Oh my cool bird. Awesome shots. My cats would like you to bring home one for each of them to observe only they say.

Wow, what a blessing to get such a beauty. Outstanding shots,

Gorgeous. If it weren’t for this forum I wouldn’t even know that many of these beautiful birds even exist.

Nice shots Karen, beautiful bird, great color and detail.

That's quite a spectacular bird right there. Beautifully framed as well; nice work.

Very nice indeed Karen, (y) were these taken on a setup perch?

I'm hoping to return to Costa Rica in May with a birding mate, and on my last trip 5 years ago the Resplendent Quetzal was one species we missed, although we did not visit their
prime areas unfortunately.

Excellent series Karen,
Thanks for sharing this unfamiliar bird with those from a different part of the world,

Never was a bird so aptly named Superb series

Fantastic, awesome bird.

Beautiful! Nicely done.

The feathers on the first picture look like cute little arms :)

Breathtaking birds and your images really do them justice. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your trip in CR!

Stunning shots, Karen!

Your images do justice to this incredible bird! You caught virtually all angles, but #2 is such a unique shot I love it. IMO, these shots have it all-gorgeous subject, nice BG, terrific perch, good exposure and focus. Shots to be proud of!
I have found that the RQs prefer the cold, rainy days. Often on the beautiful sunny days, they just do not move around much. I was told by a guide (at Paraiso Quetzal Lodge by the way) that the RQs are so bright in the sun they attract predators (hawks) so they do not move much. Not sure if that is true but it makes a good story.

Fantastic images. All of them! Congratulations.

Incredible Images Karen, it goes without saying the technicals of these images are superb.

Nice images. Love your website also.
Thank you so much to each and every one of you!!! Your comments encourage me to keep shooting and sharing! 🤗
Outstanding composition and images.
Thank you! So nice when I and the camera "get it together" and don't muff photo ops like this!
Awesome photos !
Thank you!
Great set!!
Ahhh.......I appreciate the encouragement and help!
Beautiful birds and excellent photos.
The colors and long feathers almost make up for the birds-on-a-stick photos! LOL!
Thank you!