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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Pied Stilt: Nudgee Wetlands, Brisbane
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Pied Stilt : Himantopus leucocephalus
Nudgee Wetlands, Brisbane

Yesterday, as I clattered my way across the boardwalk spanning the Nudgee Wetlands, I spied a flock of Pied Stilts idling away the morning.

I parked my ebike on the far side of the boardwalk and walked back with my R5, RF 100–500 and 1.4 extender. (Easily transported in handlebar bag.)

It was quite pleasant sitting on the planks with legs dangling almost to the water and elbows steadied on the rails. All I had to do was wait for some action. (A vacuum flask of hot chocolate and a few Ouma rusks were beside me.)

Nothing happened: surely some bird would feel peckish! Maybe they'd fed already: 6:30 am was clearly siesta time.