Robin with worm - New England Morning

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I've enjoyed the comments on my earlier Nuthatch photo, and I've tried to apply what I learned to this photo.

Any reactions/ideas for me? Thanks in advance.

Robin with worm.jpg
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I think your main issue with this image is the dominance of the white fence… the eye is always drawn to the brightest part of the image first! I don’t think there’s much you can do about this here - trying to reduce highlights or drop white will probably result in a strange “edge” appearing on the fence, before you’ve managed to darken it enough to reduce its dominance.
You’ve nailed focus on the bird, but as someone said on another thread, it’s better to try and capture a “forward” threequarter view than a backward one - it engages the viewer more.
hope you don’t mind my comment - it’s meant in a helpful spirit!
I think your main issue with this image is the dominance of the white fence… the eye is always drawn to the brightest part of the image first! I don’t think there’s much you can do about this here - trying to reduce highlights or drop white will probably result in a strange “edge” appearing on the fence, before you’ve managed to darken it enough to reduce its dominance.
You’ve nailed focus on the bird, but as someone said on another thread, it’s better to try and capture a “forward” threequarter view than a backward one - it engages the viewer more.
hope you don’t mind my comment - it’s meant in a helpful spirit!
Thanks; good points. I need those birds to look at me!