Rollers in Maasai Mara

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Fluffed Roller.jpg
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Lilac-breasted Roller.jpg
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Roller pictures taken during our first trip to the Mara. My wife and I waited for years to make the trip and we're so glad we finally did it last fall. Who knows when we can go again in these pandemic times .....
Karibu Kenya Todd! It’s a magical place. Kenya is open, no quarantine, international flights are back on and deals aplenty today be had. The Wildlife service is 100% dependent on tourist revenue. Whilst the domestic market is being developed, Kenya is missing the international traveller. Stunning scenery and animals await as do great beaches. Kenya has hit the Safe Travel award from the World Travel organisation and has done a lot to get Covid mitigation’s in place.
It is magical, indeed. If and when we return, we will probably go back to the Kicheche camps. Great people including fantastic guides, and great locations. I am aware of the dependency of wildlife stewardship on international travelers in Kenya, but for now we will probably just donate money (Kicheche allows you to donate money now to help keep wildlife preservation efforts afloat that can be used later towards a trip).
Great gesture Todd. Spookily enough, Kicheche was recommended to me recently as one of the best camps in the Mara by a guy I bumped into who is a PHD researcher studying Marshall eagles and who had been working in the Mara for the last 12years. Not been but it sounds amazing.