Roseate Spoonbill

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A roseate spoonbill. How about this, Elsa?

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😂 😂 You are too smart for your socks
Did we push the saturation slider a tad too much? (I don't know the birds - it's just my impression? )
That's a very nice reflection. I like the distortion
Nope! That's how they are, they are a very richly colored like that during mating season and it's why photographers from all over the world come to Florida to see them.

Nope! That's how they are, they are a very richly colored like that during mating season and it's why photographers from all over the world come to Florida to see them.

Wow - I learned something new. Thanks. It really is quite potent. I noticed the water was quite balanced - and it made me wonder - but did not expect that at all.
Wow - I learned something new. Thanks. It really is quite potent. I noticed the water was quite balanced - and it made me wonder - but did not expect that at all.
You should visit sometime and see them for yourself, they're quite stunning to see in person. The flamingos are even more stunning, imo. My first look at pics of them I thought the same thing you did about my pics of spoonbills, that they were over saturated, but I found I was wrong. They're just amazing birds. I have a shot of some spoonbills up in an old tree I think you would enjoy, I'll put them up soon.
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