Ruddy Duck and Feather

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BarkingBeans Coffee

Michael H
Supporting Member
As I continue to go back to my images, this Ruddy Duck and feather caught my eye. Presenting to you three images.
Z9 Camera Standard- Auto- uncropped
Z9 Linear - Auto -uncropped
Processed image - To bring the focus to the duck and feather I had to crop out the very nice concentric water movement. Good?? Should I have left it or removed even more water to the right of the duck?
Any other thoughts welcome.

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@Rassie and @Krishnakotti
Interesting responses. I have been working on getting my color correction accurate. Look at the browns in the Ruddy in the first image and do you think they are too bright? They seem too shiny to me.

I am going to paying more attention to relative colors next time I am out and see which of the developing profiles comes closest to what I remember. What I have found from looking back at images is that Nikon's Camera Standard, while better than Adobe, is oversaturated and is reducing the ability to see tonal variations.

Thanks for commenting.