Seagull with dinner.

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Mike Delgado

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Just looking for peoples thoughts on this image. I would like for the fish to be facing the other way .
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I really like the lighting.......and the sharpness of the bird. The image has a 3D feel to it. Yeah, it would have been been to have the fish head facing the camera, but then the bird's head might have been a skosh to the right.

I give it a 9.5 - and a cudda' been a 10! ;)
I would like for the fish to be facing the other way.
Mike, had you not mentioned the positioning of the fish, I would not have thought anything of it.

By contrast, the positioning of the wings is significant: I particularly like seeing detail in both sides—upper and under.

EXIF data, please. (I suspect its absence relates to the file's size, or how it was exported or uploaded; others might know for sure.)
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Just looking for peoples thoughts on this image. I would like for the fish to be facing the other way .
In a perfect world, or a controlled environment, having the fish facing the camera as well, with a visible eye, would be ideal...yet as it is, shooting in the wild, nailing the light, wing position, focus, making good use of a shallow DOF...SO many things DID go right! Well done.